Ready for Success Blog

Doing What Works Resources: Assess and Intervene

In a previous post, Marlene Darwin of the Doing What Works Initiative introduced their new online resource, Helping Students Navigate the Path to College.  This is one in a series of follow up posts describing the content of that resource. Too many students graduate from high school unprepared for two- and four-year colleges or specialized training programs.  The Doing What Works website, under the topic “

Doing What Works Resources: Prepare Students Academically

In a previous post, Marlene Darwin of the Doing What Works Initiative introduced their new online resource, Helping Students Navigate the Path to College.  This is one in a series of follow up posts describing the content of that resource. In order to ensure all students are academically prepared to graduate high school and enter postsecondary education, many students need support in selecting courses throughout high school that will academically prepare them for college or career and technical

New Study Shows Ninth Graders Think About Their Future Careers

A new study released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) last week asked ninth graders about their anticipated profession at age 30, and how often they thought about pursuing their future career. Almost half (49%) of ninth graders both identified a future profession and reported they spent a lot of time thinking about it.  Only 29% did not identify a profession.  A higher percentage of black students reported thinking a lot about a future job than white students (61% compared to 48%).

A Look at Personalized Learning Pathways in New England

The New England Secondary School Consortium has released a brief entitled “What are Personalized Learning Pathways?” as part of their “Leadership in Action” series.  The brief offers an overview of personalized learning, including key components, such as:
  • Giving students agency to design their own education and learn at their own pace
  • Encouraging learning opportunities outside of the classroom

What We Are Reading: Teacher Certifications, the Common Core, & Student Data

Looking for new high school-related resources?  Here are some pieces that other organizations have recently released:* Education and Certification Qualifications of Departmentalized Public High School-Level Teachers of Core Subjects (National Center for Education Statistics, May 2011)

Implementing SIG: Advice for School Improvement Grantees

This is one in a series of blog posts about the recent Midwest High School SIG Conference, held May 18-19, in Chicago. Schools and districts involved in turning around low performing schools received advice from leaders in the field at the Midwest High School SIG Conference last month.  Braden Goetz, Group Leader of High School Programs at the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S.


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