Ready for Success Blog

Challenges to Achieving College and Career Readiness: Equity, Education Systems and Adequate Resources

The National High School Center at the American Institutes for Research, in collaboration with the American Youth Policy Forum and the Educational Policy Improvement Center, hosted an invitation-only “College and Career Readiness Symposium: The Role of Technical Assistance in Actualizing College and Career Readiness,” in Washington, D.C., on April 24, 2012. During the Symposium, presenters and participants discussed several challenges to achieving college and career readiness.

Challenges to Achieving College and Career Readiness: Definitions, Alignment and Measurement

The National High School Center at the American Institutes for Research, in collaboration with the American Youth Policy Forum and the Educational Policy Improvement Center, hosted an invitation-only “College and Career Readiness Symposium: The Role of Technical Assistance in Actualizing College and Career Readiness,” in Washington, D.C., on April 24, 2012. During the Symposium, presenters and participants discussed several challenges to achieving college and career readiness.

Moving Toward College and Career Readiness for All Students: Major Developments and Trends in 2012 State Legislative Sessions

On Thursday, June 21, the Coalition for College and Career Ready America and the Alliance for Excellent Education sponsored a Webinar, “Moving Toward College and Career Readiness for All Students: Major Developments and Trends in 2012 State Legislative Sessions.”  Facilitated by Liz Schneider of the Alliance for Excellent Education, the Webinar began by briefly discussing federal policy, including projected federal appropriations and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver applications.

Building Pathways to College for All Students

On June 28th, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education held a Webinar for recipients of School Improvement Grants (SIG) titled Postsecondary Bridging: Building Pathways to College for All Students. The Webinar featured two school districts that have worked to ensure that every student is college ready. Both school districts have a large percentage of students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and with limited English proficiency.

Integrating Academics and CTE

Career and Technical Education (CTE) has been in a decades-long process of reform, which has led to the kinds of outcomes described in our earlier blog. Today, many state and local initiatives have already taken great strides to explicitly integrate literacy and math strategies into CTE programs. However, intensive efforts to integrate math and literacy strategies in the CTE classroom are not yet widely or consistently implemented.

The Economic Impact of Communities in Schools

The Alliance for Excellent Education (The Alliance) recently hosted a Webinar to discuss the results of a recent report, The Economic Impact of Communities in Schools. Dan Cardinali, President of Communities in Schools (CIS), joined Governor Bob Wise, President of the Alliance, to discuss the report and its implications for CIS’ future work.

The Promise of Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Throughout the past four decades, career and technical education (CTE) programs have provided students with real world, application-driven instructional experiences that supported the transition to a career. Even with the recent shifts in emphasis toward higher academic standards and accountability, CTE programs in the United States maintain a significant presence in both secondary and postsecondary student preparation programs.

Career and Technical Education and the College and Career Readiness Agenda

This month, the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc), in collaboration with 43 states and the District of Columbia, released a set of common standards for career and technical education (CTE).  The standards, known as the “Common Career Technical Core,” are designed to provide “a common benchmark for what students should know and be able to do after completing a [CTE] program of study.”  NASDCTEc hopes to universalize the standards through voluntary st

How Effective Are College Access Programs?

The United States has slipped from being the world leader in 25-to-34 year-olds with post-secondary degrees in the 1980’s to ranking 12th today.[1]  There are a number of helpful avenues to prepare students for their journey into and through their postsecondary education, and college access programs are one option that provide services ranging from financial counseling to college visits and test preparation.


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