Issue/Policy Brief

New College- and Career-Readiness Data Shows Progress Across States

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) recently released updates to its State Education Reform website, including an overview of the 2011 state high school policies related to college- and career- readiness.  With the advent of the Common Core State Standards, it comes as no surprise that 47 states plus the District of Columbia have aligned high school standards with the expectations of college and the workplace, but man

A Look at Personalized Learning Pathways in New England

The New England Secondary School Consortium has released a brief entitled “What are Personalized Learning Pathways?” as part of their “Leadership in Action” series.  The brief offers an overview of personalized learning, including key components, such as:
  • Giving students agency to design their own education and learn at their own pace
  • Encouraging learning opportunities outside of the classroom


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