College: 2-year

Real and Imagined Barriers to College Entry: Perceptions of Cost

This study uses a nationally representative sample of parents to determine their perceptions of college costs and the extent to which misrepresentations are connected to family income and parental race/ethnicity and education. Results revealed that socioeconomically disadvantaged and minority parents are more likely to make larger errors when estimating the cost of college tuition, and parents, regardless of their race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status, provide predominately biased estimates of college costs.

Puente: What we have learned about preparing Latino youth for postsecondary education

This study analyzes the impact of students participating in High School Puente, a program aimed at increasing the number of educationally disadvantaged students enrolling in a postsecondary institution. Data was collected form 1,000 Puente and 1,000 non-Puente students in 18 high schools. Results showed significant differences between Puente students and the non-Puente comparison group in terms of attitudes on school, college aspirations and preparation, and students attending a four-year postsecondary institution.

Implementation of the Talent Search Program, Past and Present: Final Report from Phase I of the National Evaluation

This national study examines Phase I of the implementation of Talent Search, a federal program designed to encourage students to participate in the federal aid program for postsecondary education. This report provides program growth, regulatory and legislative changes that occurred during this period and how the program was operating in terms of providing academic assistance, using technology to serve students, and issues faced when serving middle school students.

How Using Quality Education Data Can Increase College and Career Readiness

This document states the need for statewide longitudinal data systems that can help facilitate sharing of student-level data across the education spectrum. The brief notes that doing this could help schools answer policy questions critical to increasing college and career readiness among students. Example questions include the number of high school graduates that have taken the required coursework to prepare for college, how many students are "on-track" for future success, etc.

On the Road to Implementation: Achieving the Promise of the Common Core State Standards

This brief from Achieve identifies the key areas that state policymakers should consider in order to implement the new Common Core State Standards with fidelity. The brief provides suggestions for aligning these new standards with their existing standards and course requirements, as well as aligning assessments for collecting data and measuring achievement. The brief lists steps each state can take to ensure they are implementing the standards effectively.

College for All?

In this report, the author discusses the shift to a mentality that all students need to go on to college in order to be successful in life. He identifies several reasons within the changing economy that support this belief and describes skills that are crucial in today's workforce.

The Connection Strategy: Preparing Young People to Succeed in College and Beyond

This report describes how some of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s education grantees in Atlanta are working to increase the instances of students in the community moving on from secondary to postsecondary life. The author highlights the strategy known as "P-16" which aims to link education strategies from preschool through college graduation. Lessons learned provide insight for other communities undertaking this approach. This report would be most useful for state and community leaders working to graduate students prepared for postsecondary success.

Stepping It Up: Building Pathways to College Success in Pennsylvania and Nationwide

This paper presents findings from the Pennsylvania Governor's Conference on Higher Education in March 2009 surrounding ways to improve college success. The paper presents four steps to achieving this derived from analysis of the presentations. The steps include: 1) identifying the challenges to increased college success; 2) creating and action plan for success; 3) putting the plan into action; and, 4) working together to increase college success.


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