Transition: High School to Career

What is "Career Ready"?

This fact sheet seeks to update the components that make up "career ready". The authors broaden career readiness to include: academic skills, employability skills, and technical skills to align with the needs of 21st century employers. The authors conclude that it requires all three of these skill sets for students to be career ready.

Turning College and Career Planning into Family Communication

In this blog from the American School Counselor Association, the authors offer tips for parents on having conversations with their children regarding college and career planning. To do this they provide three "rules" to use when having these conversations: (1) parental self awareness, (2) financial awareness, and (3) make college financial planning a collaborative process with your children.

Redefining College Readiness

This paper from EPIC asserts that a new operational definition of college readiness is needed, proposing a shift from a focus on high school coursework, grades and scores on national exams, to a new and more comprehensive conceptualization of college readiness. The author suggests, based on the last two decades of research, that there are several other key components of college success.

State College- and Career-Ready High School Graduation Requirements Comparison Table

This fact sheet published by Achieve examines which states require students to complete a college and career ready high school curriculum. The document details specific graduation requirements set by each of these states, recent changes in requirements and other policy specifics, such as whether or not students can opt out of curriculum requirements and which future graduating classes will be impacted.

College-Ready Students, Student-Ready Colleges: An Agenda for Improving Degree Completion in Postsecondary Education

This resource from the Center for American Progress discusses the results of a forum held in March 2008 that explored the question, "What is driving these poor results in higher education?" The results of this forum concluded with the Center for American Progress recommending that federal policy be enhanced with a stronger focus on postsecondary completion and student and college readiness. Specific recommendations focused on two key areas: (1) college-ready student strategies, and (2) student-ready college strategies.

High School Career Academies: A 40-Year Proven Model for Improving College and Career Readiness

This resource from American Youth Policy Forum examines the impact that career academies have had over the past 40 years. The author discusses the need for action and the research that shows career academies improve educational and labor market outcomes. Additionally, the author suggests several policy issues that must be addressed in order for career academies to be expanded.

2009 ACT National Curriculum Survey

This resource from the ACT surveys teachers’ educational practices and expectations in English/writing, reading, mathematics, and science. The purpose of the survey is to determine the skills and knowledge that are currently being taught, in addition to those considered important for success for college readiness. It found that the skills rated most highly by postsecondary instructors across the content areas included reading, English and language arts, writing, communication skills, mathematics, science, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


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