Career and Technical Education

Goals and Expectations for College and Career Readiness: What Should Students Know and Be Able to Do?

This brief, the second in the College and Career Development Organizer series, summarizes the goals and expectations of college and career readiness that have been collected and organizes this information into three key threads: 1) Core Content; 2) Pathways Content; 3) Lifelong Learning Skills. Along with a brief description of each thread, key components are highlighted and examples of each type of goal and expectation are provided.

College and Career Development Organizer [Brief]

In this brief, the National High School Center provides an overview of the College and Career Development Organizer. First, the brief describes the organizer and its intended use, providing specific examples of what it is and is not designed to do. Then, it walks potential users through the organizer to familiarize them with its content. Finally, the brief concludes with key considerations for those engaged in college and career readiness work.

Transition from high school to college and work for tech prep participants in eight selected consortia

This 4-year longitudinal study evaluates the experiences of high school graduates enrolled in tech prep programs in eight regions across the nation. The study reports on their demographics, college readiness risk indicators, vocational interests, and performance as a function of graduation requirements at their high schools. The researchers reported no differences between participants and non-participants of tech prep programs with regard to college enrollment rates and percentage of students completing a degree or certificate.

Dual enrollment students in Florida and New York City: Postsecondary outcomes

This brief summarizes a study designed to assess the effectiveness of dual enrollment programs with increasing high school graduation and college achievement. Data from participating dual enrollment students in Florida and New York City and a comparison group were collected, with a specific emphasis on students in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Results suggested that dual enrollment did encourage college success for students, including students in CTE programs, and particularly so for males and low-income students

Expanding options for students: Report to Congress on the national evaluation of school-to-work implementation

This report evaluates the progress made in the implementing School-to-Work (STW) programs, which are designed to align the education system with the workplace by preparing students for college and employment opportunities. This evaluation surveyed local partnerships between schools and employers, case studies for states, surveyed 12th grade and college students, and analyzed the transcripts of students in the high school sample.

College for All?

In this report, the author discusses the shift to a mentality that all students need to go on to college in order to be successful in life. He identifies several reasons within the changing economy that support this belief and describes skills that are crucial in today's workforce.

Creating College Readiness: Profiles of 38 Schools That Know How

This report provides a profile of 38 schools and details how these schools have implemented strategies to promote and advance college readiness. The report outlines each school, characteristics that make the school unique, and lessons learned from undertaking particular strategies. The report is organized into six sections: 1) alternative schools, 2) charter schools, 3) comprehensive schools, 4) early college high schools, 5) magnet schools, and 6) private schools. In several cases, schools may have utilized more than one strategy to achieve their goal.

Grad Nation: A Guidebook to Help Communities Tackle The Dropout Crisis

This guidebook is a step-by-step guide for schools, families and the community on how to be involved in addressing the dropout crisis. The authors provide research-based information and tools with each section to be used in implementing programs specific to the community. Each section provides background information on topics relevant to the community as a whole such as the cost of high dropout rates, along with questions techniques, strategies, and additional resources to address the community needs.

Postsecondary Education and Training As We Know It Is Not Enough

In this conference paper, the author notes that good jobs require access to postsecondary education and training. There is a growing economic divide between adults with and without postsecondary education and training. The author recommends that policies be put into place that assist non-traditional students and students with barriers to access postsecondary education.


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